Thursday, November 16, 2006

Crewchange day

Which Country am I today : USA
Specific Location : Gulf of Mexico (offshore)

Wednesdays are crewchange days. People that have been on board, usually for around 5 weeks, go home and their relieves are coming on board. So, for the people that go home it's an exciting day.

But today wasn't. Unfortunately, the crewchange was cancelled because of bad weather. A cold front pushed all the way into the Gulf of Mexico, creating Tornado warnings, stormy weather (gusts upto 70mph) and lots of rain.

Crewchanges go by helicopter and they just don't fly with this kind of weather. So tomorrow another chance.

Myself, i will be going off in two weeks, on November 29th, so let's hope it will be much better then :-)

Today also received a photo of the vessel i work on. It's really beautiful (at least i think so) and it just looks like someone is watching us from above.

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