Wednesday, November 29, 2006

29 November 2006 - Going home !!!

So Finally, after 5 weeks of hard work, I am going home tomorrow. I am packing my bags as we speak which is one of the nicest things to do here :-)

In my previous blog i mentioned my company is investing 1 billion dollar into a new vessel. Actually i was thinking, since there are around 810 fully employed people working for this company, what if they just gave that money to those people. Everyone would end up with over a million dollar and surely i would be ably to stop working! I'll keep on dreaming!
Anyway, for the people of this company it is really great news, since we'll own the best pipelaying cranevessel in the world, while actually, we own that one right now already, the one i am working on here!

Hopefully the crewchange goes well tomorrow and my next blog entry will be from my home in The Netherlands.

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