Saturday, December 9, 2006

9 December 2006 Lumpinee Park

This morning walked around for 2 hours or so in Lumpinee Park, which is really just around the corner here. Boy was it hot out there especially when the morning progressed! I am really wondering when the cooler weather will hit Bangkok as this is supposed to be the cooler season.
There were so many pigeons in the park, i don't know why people like them and even feed them all the time. Pigeons are everywhere, just like rats. How sad is it that animal like chimpanzees, Tigers or Elephants are threatened with extinction, while pigeons seem to be able to live everywhere, hot or cold, wet or dry. Pigeons, you can bring them 100's of miles from their cage and they will still fly back to their cage. Some people call that clever, I call that the most stupid thing that exists, flying urself from freedom back into captivity. In Amsterdam there is a square called Dam Square. Nowadays it is forbidden to feed pigeons there because they shit all over the monumental buildings in that area. Since then, there are hardly any pigeons any more. Wonder if that also works with all the tourist :-)

Anyway took some photo's once again. I'll go out later tonight, watch a movie this afternoon.

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